Every child is unique and has his/her own pace of the learning process, we design a customized program for every student in our school. The student will explore the different genres of music from folk to pop songs and from jazz to classical pieces. We welcome parents to stay in the class and strongly encourage them to help with homework practice.

Annual recital and holiday concerts


30 Minute Class $35

60 Minute Class $60

Material not included

Get invitation for your

First Music Class

Please fill out the form carefully. We will contact you as soon as possible.

Childs name *:
Childs Date of Birth *:
Parents name *:
Phone number *:
Email *:

Check here to receive email updates
Address *:
City, State Zip *:
Musical instruments at home:
Classes *:
(check one)

* by clicking "Enroll" you agree to the policies listed on the policies page


Piano Tutorial • Music Instruction • Group Keyboard Lessons

7314 Gingerberry Dr. Corpus Christi, TX 78414